Protect and Preserve

VALOR PROTECTION INC Officers are selected for your site to match the criteria your location(s) deserve. Valor offers a large selection of unarmed-standard uniformed guards, along with other options. These options include, but are not limited to, our custom Black blazers with black slacks and our full tactical uniform with a tactical vest. VALOR PROTECTION INC’s uniform suppliers are dedicated to providing our clients with the uniforms they desire for our guards.
VALOR PROTECTION INC TRAINING goes above and beyond the standard requirements of the state. Valor Officers receive the mandated 40-hour training course, and the 8-hour refresher class every year. Our guards also complete situational training for each specific location where they work, ensuring that they are comfortable with their site. Valor doesn't stop there. Report-writing classes and public relations training advance our guards beyond all other security companies.
WHY Valor...
VALOR PROTECTION INC TECHNOLOGY is the most advanced in California. AT&T LTE-powered Tablets and Cell phones keep our staff connected throughout the state.
GPS tracking on phones and in vehicles allows VALOR PROTECTION INC dispatch to track and hold guards accountable. Depending on your location requirements, our team can utilize Kenwood’s Nextedge two-way radio system, which provides crystal-clear digital communications between units and dispatch from any location in California. Valor attends all the latest technology conferences around the country to ensure we have the greatest technology.

Their guards with the right equipment to match the site and the customer's requirements. All Valor guards are equipped with 300+ lumen flashlights, handcuffs, and professional duty belts. For high-risk sites, our certified staff can carry tasers and/or pepper spray. Valor also equips guards with recordable devices to videotape all incidents for liability purposes.
Offering Private Security for